I had been wanting a new exhaust for my 94 XR650L for quite some time but wasn't sure purchasing one would be the best use of my hard earned money. I also wasn't all that impressed by the options offered by other aftermarket manufactures.
As Christmas approached, I started thinking that a new exhaust for the "old girl" in the garage might be just the thing to spruce things up a bit - maybe that should be roost. I ended up finding my way to the XR's Only web site and decided that XR's Only Exhaust Pipe for the Honda XR600R /XR650L was going to be the one gift under the tree this year that keeps on giving. I also decided to purchase the Quiet Core Insert and the OEM Muffler Sleeve. I placed my order and a few days later found a package on my doorstep from XR's Only. I opened the package, did a quick assessment to make sure all the parts were there and no damage from shipping, then I picked up the shiny new pipe.
As I examined the pipe it became apparent that the exhaust was a well crafted item. The workmanship and quality was top notch and exceeded my expectations. It wasn't long before I was headed for the garage to try it on the "old girl" to see how it fit. Once again my expectations were exceeded. The pipe fit like a glove! If you didn't know better, you'd think it was a factory Honda part. I had it in place and bolted up in 10 minutes. It was a great fit and a great look. The only thing left to do was start the bike up and see what it sounded like.
Gas on; choke on; key on and ignition. Wow! In my humble opinion the exhaust note from this pipe is OUTSTANDING! At this point, I'm fairly sure that the quiet core insert will never get used. I don't think it's a stretch to say that the XR's Only Exhaust for the XR650L is one of the best aftermarket exhaust I have ever purchased, and I have bought a bunch over the past 35 years. Definitely worth the money.
“ The XR’s Only Exhaust for the XR650L is one of the best aftermarket exhaust I have ever purchased ”